What is LaGeR ry?
Tourism and Hospitality management students in Lappeenranta, LaGeR ry, is a student association of the Lappeenranta branch of LAB University of Applied Sciences. We take care of Hotel and Restaurant Management students and carry out activities that support our studies for our members. We want to give our members the best possible conditions for studying and the future, and to prepare the amenities in the time of studying.
Why does LaGeR ry exist?
Our vision is to be the best possible subject association for Hospitality management students. We want to produce better experiences for our students so that they can get the most out of their student life. We also want to develop the position of Hospitality management students in the student community, especially focusing on developing the supervision of lobbying.
LaGeR ry exists manly for Hospitality management students in Lappeenranta. Our purpose is to promote and implement a sense of community between students in our own field and in other fields.
Why does our association matter? Our association matter because we want to promote the interest of our students. We want to produce amazing and safe events where everyone is welcomed. We want to give our members new opportunities alongside with their studies. We want to create a safe community, especially between the Restaurant and Tourism Management students, where everyone can feel free to be themselves. As students of the Restaurant and Tourism Management, we want to create an opportunity for others to develop their skills, learn new things and find new interests.
Our values are based in the ways we operate. LaGeR ry fosters a sense of community and honesty. We all are commited to everything we do. We strive to act clearly, reliably and honestly as well as be direct in our communication. We also want to take everybody into account, understand and nurture diversity, and show compassion to those who need it.
These objectives can be achieved through closer co-operation, both through our own students and with the help of other schools. Co-operation often opens up new visions and sides that benefit everyone. With the help of others, we get new ideas for developing events, for example. We want to develop the improvements of the position and visibility of The Restaurant and Tourism Management students through more active participation in public events and by revealing who we are, where we come from, why there are Hospitality management students in particular and why there is LaGeR ry.
We want to improve advocacy through closer cooperation with our student union, where of everyone receives a lot of help and support. To Improve lobbying, we strive to keep the threshold between us and our students low.
BR: LaGeR ry 2023 board